The mobile Helping Babies Survive powered by DHIS2 (mHBS/DHIS2) Tracker (Java) and Trainer (HTML; JavaScript) applications, built within the DHIS2 Mobile platform, are designed to provide educational and training support for maternal and neonatal care among health care providers in low/middle-income countries. We help nurses and physicians in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America deliver evidence-based interventions that save maternal and newborn lives.
Our team (@sunbiz ; @shbucher ) recently completed a large scale field trial in Kenya and Nigeria (the eHBB/mHBS study). For that project, we deployed a “research version” of mHBS/DHIS2. Stakeholders are requesting a “scale-up” version of the tool, an application that is downloadable from Google Play, and has functions and features enabled, in the scale-up version, that were “hidden” in the research version.
We are eager to work with motivated GSoC students who have knowledge and skills in one or more of: Java, HTML, and JavaScript. The goal is to convert the existing research tool into a more scalable version, which is then released on Google Play. This will enable a wider number of individuals, institutions, and organizations to access and utilize mHBS/DHIS2.
To learn more about the context and technical aspects of design and development of the mHBS/DHIS2 Tracker and Trainer apps, please see these citations (If you are unable to access any of these materials, please let us know):
GitHub repositories:
- mHBS tracker – GitHub - iupui-soic/dhis2-android-trackercapture: DHIS 2 Tracker Capture application for Android
- mHBS training - GitHub - iupui-soic/mHBS_tracker: The Mobile Helping Babies Breathe apps
Bucher, S., Meyers, E., Agnikula Kshatriya, BS., Avanigadda, PC., Purkayastha, SP. (2019) Development of an Innovative Mobile Phone-based Newborn Care Training Application , Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications IBICA 2018 . 21 May, Abraham, A., Gandhi, N. & Pant, M. (eds.). Springer Verlag, p. 361-374 14 p. ( Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; vol. 939). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16681-6_36
Bucher, SL., Cardellichio, P., Muinga, N., Patterson, JK, Thukral, A., Deorari, AK., Data, S., Umoren, R., Purkayastha, S. (2020) Digital Health Innovations, Tools, and Resources to Support Helping Babies Survive Programs, Pediatrics, 146 (Supplement 2; Oct) S165-182; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-016915
Video description of design, development, and use of mHBS/DHIS2 app within the eHBB/mHBS study is found here.