The Essential Care for Every Baby (ECEB) educational and training program, developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, provides knowledge, skills, and competencies to nurses and doctors in low/middle-income settings so that they can provide life-saving care to newborns from birth through 24 hours postnatal.
Our research team (@sunbiz ; @shbucher ) worked with students to design semi-functional prototypes of an Android mobile application, the ECEB Digital Action Plan, that is purposely built to provide clinical decision-support for nurses and doctors delivering essential newborn care interventions during the first day of life. Our user interface was awarded First Prize in the American Medical Informatics Association Student Design Challenge, 2019: Students’ “Essential Care for Every Baby” app wins at AMIA – School of Informatics and Computing : IUPUI
We are eager to collaborate with motivated students, during Google Summer of Code 2021, who have skills in HTML and JavaScript, and are interested in helping us to move the ECEB mobile clinical decision support application from the design to development phase.
In particular, we are interested in developing full functionality in regards to several innovative features of the app, including:
–Ability to track multiple babies at a time; –Time-stamping births to generate an essential newborn care clock for each baby being tracked in the app; –Automated classification of babies health status, based on results from observations and assessments that are conducted during the first 2 hours after birth; –Automated advice on management of babies, based on their classification; –Reminders/alerts to provide recommended essential newborn care interventions; –If particular interventions are not delivered on time, or at all, capture of information regarding why this essential newborn care was late, or missed
The goal is to have a fully functional prototype, by the end of GSoC 2021, whereby our team can then conduct usability testing of the app in Kenya, among nurses and doctors.
For background information about previous design efforts, and technical aspects of the ECEB app, please refer to the following citations:
Essential Care for Every Baby_Digital Action Plan_BUCHER_AAP NCE.pdf (1006.6 KB)
Nuthakki S., Bucher S., Purkayastha S. (2019) The Development and Usability Testing of a Decision Support Mobile App for the Essential Care for Every Baby (ECEB) Program. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M. (eds) HCI International 2019 – Late Breaking Posters. HCII 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science , vol 1088. Springer, Cham
Rajapuri, A., Purkayastha, S., Bucher, S., Ravirandharan, R., Horan, K. (2020) Essential Care for Every Baby: Neonatal Clinical Decision Support Tool, Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics , 11th International Conference (Full paper #769), July 16-20, Virtual Conference (COVID-19)
Mentors: @Siddhi , @shbucher
Skills required: Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST API