Project: Participatory design enhancements to NeoRoo app

Here is my Week 10 Blog Post -: Week 10 -: GSOC’23 with LibreHealth

Hi everyone! here’s my weekly blog post: Week 9 of Coding: Notifications 🔔

Here is my Week 11 Blog Post -: Week 11 -: GSOC’23 with LibreHealth

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Hello awesome people! here’s my weekly blog post: Week 10 of Coding: Add new baby 🚼 & Temperature Vital Screen 📈

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Hi Dr @shbucher and Prof. @sunbiz. Apologies for the inconvenience, but I’m feeling unwell today due to a cold and I won’t be able to join the meeting. I’ll keep you updated with my detailed progress on my weekly progress report and blog post. Thank you for understanding.

Here is my Week 12 Blog Post -: Week 12 -: GSOC’23 with LibreHealth

Hi again! here’s my weekly blog post: Week 11 of Coding: Training Modules Screen

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to @sunbiz, Dr. @shbucher, @Khushboo, @r0bby, and the entire LibreHealth community for supporting me throughout the GSoC journey. The invaluable guidance, expertise, and encouragement were the most important factors that helped me complete the GSoC journey. I look forward to continuing to contribute to the project in every way possible.

Thank you, all the amazing people ! :heart:

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