Project: Improve LibreHealth Toolkit Cost of Care Explorer


During GSoC 2020, we had a project, Project: Develop an Android mobile application to show patient friendly costs of care. This is a continuation and improvements upon it.

Recent changes in Medicare’s payment policies under the inpatient prospective payment system (PPS) and the long-term care hospital PPS required that the CDM be made available in a machine-readable format by January 1, 2019 . These formats are in XML or CSV and while machine readable do not make sense for a patient who is comparing the prices. Your task this year (should you accept it ) is to create an Android mobile application that has the following functionality

Prior work


This is rather open-ended. There is always room for improvement. For this, you can run the application, and get a feel for it and then suggest changes you see fit.

Mentors : @sunbiz @judywawira @muarachmann

Task Prerequisite: A prototype mobile application pinging any hospital in the US and fetching the data required and showing it on a mobile application

Bonus points: Designing and developing a web-facing prototype and a mobile application that can run on Windows and iPhone

Skills: Mobile development - (Android, possible iOS/ windows development) , Web development, Web scraping

Resources: This is an interesting paper to educate you on the background of publishing for costs of care - JMIR Medical Informatics - Just Because (Most) Hospitals Are Publishing Charges Does Not Mean Prices Are More Transparent

This is preliminary and is not a definite project.

Hey Robby! I am Gunjan, first year CSE Student and I am working on learning Flutter for App Development. I am familiar with layouts and widgets and basic stuff and learning to handle data from API and manage it. I found this project interesting but the GSoC 2020 project has the same description as this one.

Is there something we are expected to improve right away or we have to find scope of improvements on our own for now?

Not sure if this is definite. I am waiting to see the interest in this project. We are not officially accepted yet

I want to improve the UI/UX of this application. I have some ideas in mind, would like to propose them!

And a doubt, if the web application is still required? Like flutter does it but it’s not so stable, so that’s why I think we should rather use react for its web version if it’s required!

The current web version uses react not flutter.

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Oh yeah! seen it now.

I mean both are active projects.

The Flutter app is one project and then the web-based frontend is another.


hi, can you please review this MR?

update: resolved by @Darshpreet2000


Hello @r0bby . Can you please explain me a bit of Task prerequisite? Like what we have to build in this task prerequisite application?

This is still preliminary, so don’t consider this final or a viable project. I need to rethink things.

Hi @r0bby, is this project finalized? I would love to contribute to this project

I’m not sure – @sunbiz?

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Hi, is this project final? I wish to contribute to this project.

@rajshah9914 Read the post immediately above yours.

Just want to share my opinion

Interested students may propose ideas here on how this project can be improved & what all new features can be included in both Flutter mobile & React web app,

Then mentors may finalize this projects & decide on that basis,

Already a lot of students have been contributing in cost of care flutter app from past few weeks


The issue is that I’m not really the lead on defining this project so it was just an idea – we needed to have this to get accepted into Google Summer of Code.


Hello everyone, I want to contribute to this project and I have some ideas to improve this application. Here are some ideas -

  • New UI for each screen with a top rounded border like this

this type of UI looks very good it will definitely improve the User Experience.

  • Bottom Navigation UI Improvement

Currently, Bottom Navigation is not looking attractive so the bottom navigation UI can be improved further.

  • Bookmark feature for Chargemasters

Currently, There is no Bookmark feature for chargemaster after adding this feature it will be easy to Use.

  • Showing Procedures Information with images on click using wikipedia API

  • Showing drugs details for disease

We can show Drug details for each disease using wikipedia api.

  • Showing health-related news articles

We can show health-related articles by creating a menu in the navigation drawer so that users of this app can get aware of their health.

  • Adding Search by address feature for hospitals chargemasters -

This feature will allow users to search hospitals chargemaster by their address. currently, the Flutter & Web app is just displaying all chargemasters of a state.


I don’t think these are appropriate, because many times they not clinically accurate. @ReginaMerine can you please add a question in your user study of the app, if they’d like to see drugs or procedure explanation/information in the app.

The other ones sound good.