Project: Android application to show birth registration & newborn health data

Good luck everyone who has submitted the proposal and participating in GSoC​:ok_hand::v::tada:.

You have done a tremendous effort. Give a tap on your shoulder. :clap::clap::clap::sparkles:

Thanks @r0bby @iainbarclay @shbucher for helping us out in writing the proposal and reviewing it.

Thank you :blush:

Good luck to everyone who participated in GSoC 2020.

@r0bby @iainbarclay @shbucher Thank you for helping and clearing out doubts. Look forward to working in this community!

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Even if you’re not selected – you can still help us out!

Yeah definitely. There’s a webinar by Evernym here on 1st April and some of the topics include about SSI principles. Anyone interested can attend.

Yeah. These webinars helped in writing proposal :sparkles:

@r0bby The POC works fine when run in Windows OS. In Linux, there is a need to change the file naming convention. I just wanted to inform.

Huh? What do you mean?

What I mean is if you clone the repo in Linux, it might give errors due to naming convention.

Huh? What did you do with naming that will cause errors?

The folder names were started with Capital letter. This is resolved as of now.

That’s not going to cause issues on Linux…

Windows has a case-insensitive file system, whereas Linux has a case-sensitive file system. Even though I had named one of the folders as “Dashboard”, it treated it as “dashboard”. If you check the latest commits before 31 March here, you could see import statements like " import ‘package:birth_register/ui/screens/Dashboard/hospitals.dart’; ". However, the “Dashboard” folder referred to in the import statement is changed to “dashboard”. So when this repo is cloned in Linux, it searches for “Dashboard” folder and finds “dashboard” which doesn’t match and hence doesn’t compile.

Then fix the file names so they work cross-platform. Making things in such a way is a bad thing to do.

They are fixed in the latest commits. However I had to inform since it was done after March 31.

So long as base functionality was done prior, it’s okay. What we don’t accept is someone who had no functionality prior to or on March 31 at 1800 UTC.


Hi, am sorry for being away I taught working with GSoC will start once the selection is made on 4th May but seems not to be the case I taught am sorry for that misunderstanding. Am okay working with you people

You cannot work on this project, but you can help our in other ways.

okay i understand now

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The issue is that you have to have made contact with us BEFORE submitting your proposal.

Please use the following thread: Project: Android application to show birth registration & newborn health data