Project : Removal of Fancy Box from the code base

Project Description


Fancybox is a tool to display media content, in an elegant way in your application. Libehealth EHR application uses it at many places with multiple versions. Since its license is becoming complex, and its updates are not license compatible, we need to remove it from our code-base and implement another solution or write application specific code.


  • Join our community and introduce yourself here.

  • Join our chat for live feedback and access to a larger team of mentors here.

  • Familiarity with the Librehealth EHR codebase.

Technical requirements

  • PHP

  • MySql

  • Javascript

  • JQuery


  • Propose your solution with pros an cons. Draw flow diagram how it will effect the remaining code-base.

  • Submit your work as pull request, on our github repo, with changes implemented, along with demo.

  • User documentation

  • Developer documentation (This can be done in code itself, with proper explanation of function, its input parameters and return value.)

Mentors : @tony @aethelwulffe @teryhill @pri2si17

Why are we removing Fancy Box plugin?

Fancy box licenses are becoming more difficult. There are multiple versions of the code out there. There are other opensource resources that will work.

Up-to-date versions are not license compatible. We need better functionality from a new library, or just create our own application-specific library.

If we go this route, we should extract it as a library and offer it to the community at-large :slight_smile: