Project: Complete UI rewrite or radiology and toolkit as an open web application

Yeah, that will work.

1 Like => Says, 502 Bad Gateway.

What is the alternative?

The guide more or less just guides you to do exactly what you just did.

We started work on a user guide but all we have right now is explaining the different roles.

Alright, that makes sense!

I have been researching the ways we can integrate the web-components in the spring projects. We can use Vaadin Fusion (now Hilla) but if we go this route we will have to change the source code a lot to make it compatible with Hilla. We would have to create an add-on project to support this.

Another way would be to use Thymeleaf. It has a resources/templates directory which we can initialize with npm to add the web components and use them in the views we make in this directory.

Is there another way that is more compatible with the current source code? Or maybe any other suggestions to look into?

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No, make Open Web Apps: Open Web Apps Module - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki

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I have been thinking about the timeline through which I can re-write the UI using the web components I have started dissecting the UI Elements to create wireframes for all the pages in the toolkit and radiology. So that it’s obvious what components to use in which part of the UI.

We can divide the re-write into phases and start from the toolkit and then the radiology. But I will need some help dividing the toolkit and radiology for an optimal approach for the re-write. I would love to hear some thoughts on the division. So that I can start creating a timeline and add it to the proposal.

Choose one and go with it but make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew. I think LibreHealth Radiology will be the easiest since you’re new.

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I agree, I explored both Radiology and Toolkit’s code and Radiology’s code straight up makes more sense to me, whereas Toolkit’s code requires more experience to get a good understanding.

Radiology is just a heavily customized version of Toolkit.

So, if I get comfortable with Radiology then Toolkit won’t be hard at all.

Yes, more or less, that is true.

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How are things going? You have until 2022-04-19T18:00:00Z to get this finalized. Finalized means the starter task is completed and ready for review. Failure to do the starter task is an immediate rejection. We do occasionally (though rarely) give extensions for the starter task, we have no control over the Google side of things.

Starter tasks are almost done, I have written all the base components and completed Patient (get-patient + create-patient), but Diagnostic Report is remaining. I am researching the FHIR Resource and reading about it. Should be completed before the given date.

As for the Proposal, I have started writing it. Currently, I am taking screenshots of Radiology to create wireframes so that it is easier to map web components to the relevant UI Elements. These wireframes should be ready by tomorrow night I hope so. And I will then share the proposal for review.

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When I click on Radiology in the nav bar on LibreHealth Toolkit - Home I get this as the result.

Is there a fix?

Follow this guide: LibreHealth / LibreHealth Radiology / lh-radiology-docker ¡ GitLab

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There will be a reminder sent tomorrow(Saturday) at 1800 UTC as it is 72 hours from the close of the application period.

Get your proposal in now since we have no wiggle room with that. We cannot accept you without a proposal submission. You may continue to work on your starter task but link the work somewhere, please.

I will submit the first draft of my proposal tonight.

The solution to this is to update the file and add platform: linux/x86_64 in each of the services showing the error.

Docker usage of Radiology is throwing this error too. What to do now?