Project: Automatic labelling of Radiology Images

The issue is this post makes me think that you didn’t actually finish it in time: Project: Automatic labelling of Radiology Images - #118 by VishalKanakamamidi

The requirement was the final product was due no later than March 31 at 1800 UTC. No exceptions.

Based on your commit history, this tells me otherwise:

This is what you submitted on March 31 at 15:11 UTC:

Based on all of this, you did not actually complete the POC on-time. In the real world, if you fail to meet deadlines, there are consequences. There aren’t exceptions here. You could have honed it if you had finished it, but all you submitted was a README. Git commit history tells us you did not do this.

The other bit is you made no contact prior to yesterday, this is way after the deadline.

Ok , Thanks for looking into it

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Hey @pri2si17, were you able to run my poc locally, is it still giving error? I am asking this because I tried to clone my own repo on different machine today, the github’s LFS(large file storage) was giving me trouble in downloading.(It works, maybe try to re install lfs and cloning the repo again.)(It could very well be my internet connection which is at fault.) Sorry for this hassle but the weights were more than 100 megs.

Hi @SinghKislay

I am able to clone your code, but there is no proper instruction how to run it, The one from npm seems to be static site, I don’t know why you have used it. From Django, end point is not defined. Which url to hit?

Can you make a clean instruction, how to run it from beginning. I will follow exactly what is written in the Readme.

Is the django server running fine?

Hello @pri2si17 Please could you also tell me if you were able to clone my repo. I am having a similar problem with git-lfs. I am currently working on resolving it.

The endpoints are mentioned in libre_health/ml_api/ I am assuming the django backend is running. this is how we run the react app => cd gui(get inside the gui folder) => npm install (this will install all the dependencies) => npm start. (Please let me know if any error occurs). I have made a react app because I wanted to provide a restful service, I thought it will be more versatile as in the future it could be extended as an app without any change in the backend, if you guys ever choose to go that route.

Hi @aishwhereya, I cloned your repo. It throws an import error as you used cv2 and there is no mention of opencv-python in your dependency. I would suggest you use a virtualenv and freeze your requirements.txt. Anyways I went ahead and installed cv2, Then another import error for PIL, I installed pillow aswell. Your app then threw some other error, So I intalled tensorflow==1.15 again(as your requirements.txt file has tf==2.1.0, so it uninstalls 1.15) and then it worked fine. Update your requirements.txt file and everything will be fine. I hope it helped.

I really hope you’re not copying from each other…

She is using flask and I’m using Django and we don’t even use the same ml models. All the versions are different. But I understand your concern. I thought it would be good to help each other out as this is open source.

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Ah okay – I see no issue with that since your POCs are locked now :slight_smile:

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Thank you @SinghKislay for looking into it. Did my repo run correctly till the end? Github says that I have exhausted my git-lfs bandwidth so I am not sure if the large files got cloned. I’ll update the requirements regarding cv2 and PIL. My project requires both the versions of tensorflow to run correctly. For now, I am trying to build a docker image so that one does not have to go through all that process.

Yes @r0bby. Our POCs are different with different tech stacks as well :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes it runs fine :grinning:.

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@r0bby I am having issues with building my docker image. Please could you help me with my issue?

You should have asked me – I’m really good at Docker.

I did. On the LibreHealth chat GSoC channel. I reposted it here so that it catches your eye again.

I was asleep and also doing work for a volunteer effort to make Personal Protective Equipment in NYC for COVID-19 – we won’t penalize you


That is good to hear @r0bby. Stay safe! I’m from India and We are under lockdown.

Also, when you say that our POCs have been locked now, does that mean that none of our updates to it will be considered?

I mean it was considered part of your proposal. Your proposal is final, aside from minor fixes…it’s locked in.