Hosting EHR Instances for the Education program

Harrisburg U:

Lake–Sumter State College:

Northern Kentucky University:

Univ. of Maryland:


Hi all, I am excited to be part of the beta testing! I see the link here. I’m assuming that we will get log-in information and particulars about what you are looking for in the beta testing. Thanks!

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Login info is same as NHANES/Demo:

Username: admin
Pass Phrase: password

URL I will share in a post on here.

The database is a copy of NHANES.

Thanks much for advocating LSSC as a beta tester. We are getting ready to have 8 students perform various activities starting with assignments being given out tomorrow (Thursday, Sept 7).


We want to know what worked and what did not so we can make changes or enhancements down the road


@r0bby @sunbiz @tony @rhoyt

I just happen to use the LIBREHEALTH EHR.

I am absolutely impressed by the work and the granularity of the application.

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@robbie can you update the demo’s with the current code base . If it is ok with @tony and @aethelwulffe.

I wonder if we can have some experiences from the testers on how things are going … @rhoyt have you received any feedback?

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No feedback yet. Some will access the EHR later in the semester

Yes please

Tony McCormick

My classes will be testing at the end of November.

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@teryhill i will in a bit.

@aethelwulffe @r0bby must be waiting on your approval to update the demo sites with the new code for the users .

Absolutely. (STAMP):top:

No, I was more not at home. Updating now.

Code has been updated.

Looks like there is a problem. Can you check the php error log and see wat error er are getting on the main demo.

ARGH, just got hit with the minimum characters dealio.

Anywho, it is possibly the sql_upgrade.php that needs running as well as the last commit I merged today. We know that has issues with the call_required_libraries function, because TRK was on an old pull with a partial implementation of it, and I tested his branch/fork instead of diffing against master…then I approved it and of course merged it. Mia Cupa. Mia maxima cupa.

It is the TRK commit He needs $ in front of the variables he is setting to true or false. @r0bby never mind on the phperror log

@aethelwulffe is the code ready for @r0bby to update the demos to remove the error?