GSoC 2020 is ON: Let's brainstorm project ideas!

The organization application period is from January 14, 2020 - February 5, 2020

Let’s start thinking about projects. Let’s use the forum post ideas page we’ve run with in years past. It worked out quite well that students had a thread to ask questions about the projects. Use the #gsoc2020, #gsoc2020-project tags – also add a tag for your project, e.g., #radiology, #ehr, #toolkit.

There is a short url pointing to the #gsoc2020-project tag. Please also ensure that your project ideas wind up in the #community:gsoc category. After student selection, the thread used for the duration of GSoC will be under your project’s respective category.


Hey awsome folks,

I need project ideas ASAP, tag me in the second post please.

– Robby