Evaluating the cost-of-care app

Okay, When we are deploying it on PlayStore? Let me know if I have to make signed Apk for release

Don’t we have to pay to get a developer account?

Yes @r0bby , its $25 USD one-time registration fee, There is no limit to the number of apps per developer ID

Alrighty, can do that. @sunbiz, should I submit a request to the SFC to set this up?

yes, please submit a request to the SFC. If it takes more than a week for approval, I will set it up through the infrastructure email address.

Will do @sunbiz – I’ll try to be on-top of it.

Submitted. I’m going to need @lsc to reply to it ASAP.

@Darshpreet2000 have you looked into f-droid? We could probably do it via CI (though I’d have to look into it)

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Okay, I will create gitlab CI file to build & sign android apk & deploy it to F-droid & Google Play.

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This is how we should do it, by storing the key for signing the APK in the Gitlab secret vars.

@Darshpreet2000 please let us know if you have any difficulties.

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Okay, Thanks

@r0bby For Listing our app to fdroid we just have to make an issue here

I have created a MR, please have a look. I have Added a CI File to build & sign app & configured gradle for release.

And we have a signed release APK!

For Submitting to Fdroid RFP (Request for Packaging) Issue

I have prepared this description

  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria.
  • The app is not already listed in the repo or issue tracker.
  • The app has not already been requested
  • The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure
  • The original app author has been notified, and does not oppose the inclusion.
  • Donated to support the maintenance of this app in F-Droid.

APPLICATION ID: com.LibreHealth.cost_of_care

Name: Cost Of Care

 - Sports & Health
 - Science & Education
 - Development
 - Internet

License: GPL-3.0-only

# A URL for the project's website
WebSite: https://gitlab.com/librehealth/toolkit/cost-of-care/lh-toolkit-cost-of-care-app

# A link to the issue tracker where bugs are reported
IssueTracker: https://gitlab.com/librehealth/toolkit/cost-of-care/lh-toolkit-cost-of-care-app/-/issues
Donate: https://librehealth.io/donate/
# git, git-svn, svn, hg or bzr
RepoType: git

AuthorName: LibreHealth
AuthorEmail: infrastructure@librehealth.io
# source code repo URL (HTTPS required)
Repo: https://gitlab.com/librehealth/toolkit/cost-of-care/lh-toolkit-cost-of-care-app

  - versionName: 1.0.0
    versionCode: 1
    commit: v1.0.0
    subdir: android/app/
      - yes

AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: '1.0.0'
CurrentVersionCode: 1

After creating issue with this description our app will be added.

But before please merge this https://gitlab.com/librehealth/toolkit/cost-of-care/lh-toolkit-cost-of-care-app/-/merge_requests/22

Can I create the issue or some admin of LibreHealth will like to do that?

Can you change the app id to io.librehealth.toolkit.cost_of_care?

We do not own the .com.

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@Darshpreet2000 – I just fixed the app id it is now io.librehealth.toolkit.cost_of_care

I was doing changes, thanks

I found hospital compare API has been changed by medicare, I will have to fix compare hospital functionality, its not working right now

It was easy, no problem! Just edit your issue on the request for packaging

Release APK should follow the proper package structure now =)

Also @Darshpreet2000 – we use MPL 2.0 – fixed also

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I removed the tagged release, let’s retag and re-release when it’s ready.

@sunbiz @judywawira @Darshpreet2000

What do you say about renaming the application before we release to “LibreHealth Toolkit Cost Of Care Explorer” – open to dropping Toolkit but it’s structured underneath Toolkit.