We are targeting the NSF SSI grant, but haven’t got seed funding/industry partners yet. There are a bunch of academic partners, but something like the ACR/AMIA/AMA or other such orgs could be interesting. I’ll share an abstract of the idea soon, to explain why we need these in the community.
Got that. Now when I try to sign the results it tells me I am not authorized ? reason
Ok. Do we need to partner with someone in health science education??
Still no word from IBM which is really strange, considering I know the guy.
Another possibility would be Wolter-Kluwers, presumably the worlds largest publisher and owner of UpToDate and DocuCare. I also know someone who works for them and deals with clinical decision support, but that didn’t help in the case of IBM
The issue here has to do with permissions on the “admin” account. There are operations that need to be done with the “Physician” role. I’ve created a new account for you and will email you details separately.
Regarding “corporate partner,” what are the requirements of the partner? Can a smaller entity such as MiSquared who is already doing work with LibreEHR qualify?
- I was able to log in as rhoyt and enter the sweat chloride result. However, I can’t enter immunizations, allergies and appointments? reason
- Sent second email to IBM rep today (20 minutes later he responded and is still interested). Webinar to follow I hope
- I do think sample patients who follow national guidelines would be a plus. I really like the cystic fibrosis patient I created because the history came from GWU and the genetic information came from OMIM. Having lots of cases with genomic information for training might be a plus when seeking grant money. In addition, we already have a lot of clinical decision rules (CDRs) available in LibreHealth. These are simple IF-THEN statements based on the literature. This basically is what the FHIR apps rely on. Keep in mind that students could create a bunch more, as part of Informatics training. The AHRQ ePSS web site hosts about 50+ preventive and screening measures we could potentially add or use this as a student exercise.
- As part of our grant proposal we should discuss future goals. While I would love for use to simply the means to analyze data with machine learning we have other low hanging fruit like these rules. What will be the goals/objectives/hypotheses of our grant proposal?
As a random factoid do you think we should invite patient advocates to contribute some fake data ? I know the SLE advocates are big on twitter and would be great to have some patients and their advocates as part of the education team …
As for grants we need to identify the main writers … this is something that needs a lead and then updates. I would propose to tackle several attempts
I would also like to see the education content used to teach a MOOC but that would be down the line
Otherwise really great job @rhoyt
From what I can tell most instructors prefer real data if possible. Truthfully, we need many more surveys than just the one I conducted to really know what instructors want and need. That could be part of our grant proposal
The MOOC is an interesting idea. My only concern is that LibreHealth is an ambulatory EHR and there will be clinical students and others who would prefer an inpatient EHR. I do think we could put together a comprehensive guide with exercises that appeal to HIM, HI, health sciences, clinical and research students. Lofty goals but we should set the bar high
Nobody has responded about the need for a good user guide. That is mandatory for all users
There has been requests to add inpatient abilities to the EHR in the past. There is a UB04 billing form out there. The flow board will track patients thru the clinic and with minor changes can be used to track patient flow thru departments. I personally think modifying the EHR to be able to be used in an inpatient setting would be a good idea.
I added sedimentation rate under procedure configuration, for the patient Penelope Daugherty so I could create a giant cell arteritis case study. Unfortunately, the results are screwed up such that the result says sweat chloride but showing the sedimentation result of 100??. Initially, under procedure configuration I inserted sedimentation rate below sweat chloride, but later made is a top level test. Can you straighten this out? Many thanks
I corrected the sed rate in “configuration.” The “subentry” under the order needed to be created as a "discrete result."
I’m not sure that the existing order can be fixed where the sed rate procedure order now has both as sweat chloride and a sed rate though.
The is a bug on the immunizations screen that prevents saves at the moment. Not sure why allergies and appointments aren’t working for you.
Probably easiest for me to create another patient
Test Patients so far:
- Deloris Khan
- Everett Monroe
- Henry Willis
- Jimmy Jennings
- Sonja Bryan
- Dennis Kelley
- Eddie Schneider
- Myra Patrick
- Andre Salas
- Danny Jarvis
I was able to enter an allergy as rhoyt, but could not enter an immunization. It said there was a completion error. See screen shot
5 posts were split to a new topic: Update EHR/NHANES with new fixes
This is good news. We should have them in the community and discuss the proposal, when we are ready to start editing.
This, this is what I mean to send, hopefully during this weekend. Specific EHR objectives might be hard to get funded through the NSF SSI mechanism. NSF thinks NIH should be funding health focused research. My goal is to be able to research the ecosystem innovation and ways to spur innovation in the open-source ecosystem using the SSI
We now have an appointment for a teleconference with IBM, specifically Dr. Michael Weiner who is their CMIO for healthcare-related issues. We should talk ahead of time about what we want to accomplish. It will be audio (30 minutes) and not audio-video so we have to be short and to the point. I would like for @sunbiz and/or @yehster to be on the call, if possible. I will have surgery the day before but I usually bounce back really quickly. Here is the contact info:
July 6th at 2pm EASTERN Callin#: 1-888-426-6840 Participant Code# 10330781#
- We leave potential financial support by IBM to the end
- We would like for IBM to be an intellectual partner
- We would like for IBM to be a healthcare analytics partner
- We need to stress that this project should appeal to a very broad audience: HI, HIM, Clinical, Health Sciences, and research students
- Having a hands-on EHR should allow for a variety of studies, such as usability, clinical decision support, etc.
Let me also add that Michael Weiner was surprised that the plan was to make the software free. Obviously, down the road there could be the free option to upload from GitHub and a fee-basis for installation and support. I assume this decision would be up to the Steering Committee
The base platform should be free … hosting an enterprise version should be for a fee e.g. Getting case studies for teaching could be an enterprise feature
Definitely this requires more thought and discussion
Good thoughts regarding the free vs enterprise version
Is anyone else going to be able to attend the teleconference July 6th with IBM?
Does the search by ICD-10 code actually work? When I go to Reports > Client > Clinical and search by ICD-10 code (with and without other boxes being checked) I get no results. I have been finding sample patients by searching by age and then selecting ascending ICD-10 codes and search the list. Not optimal