Who is mentoring for Google Code-In 2016

I have a couple questions just for housekeeping purposes:

Did FOSSASIA Invite you yet? Are you registered in the system as a mentor?

@judywawira, @tony, @vchilkuri: you three are essential. However – one person from each project isn’t enough at all. You’ll burn out.

@tony – you should probably get the rest of the EHR team to come onboard and speak to Mario/Hong Phuc ASAP.

Right now i’m worried that we have too few mentors and are at risk of burning out…

EDIT: @tony, @judywawira, and @vchilkuri(who will be in the system soon as they accept) and myself. I think @downey is in? I’m not sure…I have absolutely zero metrics on mentors.

I applied to be a mentor

I applied as the mentor from the link you sent me.

@vchilkuri you need to accept ASAP. Your tasks won’t import otherwise.

@teryhill have you been invited to be added as a mentor for FOSSASIA yet?

No I have not been contacted

@tony – speak to them.

I accepted the invitation which you sent me through direct mail. I don’t know what went wrong

FYI, I just sent a note to Mario & HP following up on the people who I understood to still be having issues.

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Thank you – this may be growing pains – I been trying to keep things organized. If you are mentoring, please comment on this thread. Please ensure ALL mentors are registered here and on rocket chat!

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@r0bby I received the invitation from FOSSASIA. And I have already signed up as a mentor

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Everybody is in. If you’re not in now. I’m happy. Be sure to join fossasia’s slack by inviting yourself. Once you do, please message me @robbyoconnor on FOSSASIA’s slack and I’ll add you to the mentors chat. Those who have been added know.