Updating Librehealth Toolkit so that it can be able to use the MySQL version 8

Updating Librehealth Toolkit so that it can be able to use the MySQL version 8. After configuring the drivers, Librehealth was able to connect to the database but could not update. I am trying to use Liquidbase for that but I keep getting this error. Can someone please help me to solve this error?

Here is my pom.xml. Note that I have removed some unrelated sections

<name>LibreHealth Toolkit</name>
<description>Master project for the modules of LibreHealth Toolkit</description>


		<name>Mozilla Public License 2.0 with Healthcare Disclaimer</name>





        <!-- OpenMRS Dependencies -->

				<!-- Excluding since we are using a newer version where
				arifactId is ehcache instead of ehcache-core -->



									<ignore />
									<ignore />

					<!-- From gitignore -->

		<!-- Uncomment if you want to run performance tests from Eclipse
			<customArgLineForTesting>-Djub.consumers=CONSOLE,H2 -Djub.db.file=target/benchmarks/results -Djub.charts.dir=target/benchmarks</customArgLineForTesting>


		<!-- docfilessubdirs config set to include image resource -->
				<bottom>&lt;em&gt;&lt;small&gt; Generated ${TIMESTAMP} NOTE - these
					libraries are in active
					development and subject to
				<header>&lt;a href="http://librehealth.io"
				<footer>&lt;a href="http://librehealth.io"

		<name>OpenMRS Nexus Repository</name>

		<name>OpenMRS Nexus Repository</name>

		<name>OpenMRS Nexus Releases</name>
		<name>OpenMRS Nexus Snapshots</name>

	<maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm</maven.build.timestamp.format>

	<openmrs.version.long>${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.${parsedVersion.minorVersion}.${parsedVersion.incrementalVersion} ${parsedVersion.qualifier} Build ${revisionNumber}</openmrs.version.long>

	<customArgLineForTesting />
	<argLine>-Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Xmx2g ${customArgLineForTesting}</argLine>