On telephone conference calls & transparency

Continuing the discussion from EMR + Toolkit Integration:

I agree with @aethelwulffe and the excellent point he made a couple weeks ago. I realize that our governance document has not yet been finalized, but I’ll call our collective attention to the paragraph on Transparency:


All project discussions, minutes, deliberations, project plans, designs, plans for new features, and other artifacts shall be open, public, searchable, and easily accessible to everyone.

_Source: GOVERNANCE.md · master · LibreHealth / Steering Committee / community-governance · GitLab

Generally, phone conference calls, even when recorded, are not searchable (without transcripts), may or may not be open/public, and are not accessible to those with hearing, speech, or English language difficulties. As such, I would strongly discourage their use unless absolutely required, and in those cases, let’s make sure a transcript is made available immediately after and posted publicly.

What do others think?


I agree, though I also see the need for voice and audio-video calls once in a while. Particularly, for topics that need debate or showcases… or times when you need to “think out loud” with a group to innovate/ideate. Demo videos are great, but they will generate many more questions, like “what happens when you click this instead of that workflow?”. I would encourage more people to be on https://chat.librehealth.io because realtime decision making and support builds confidence and feels like teamwork between people.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: :speaking_head: Join our official community chat!

A post was merged into an existing topic: :speaking_head: Join our official community chat!

When are we going to be able to use one of our own product’s tele"health" chunk as a confcall hack?

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Does it do reliable transcripts…if Google Voice can’t do good transcripts…

There are no Voice/Teleconf solutions that can do good transcripts of a dynamic conversation. The only reliable way save those is to record them and make them available to the group. I agree that we should avoid that for "formal’ meetings unless there is an agenda and a scribe to take notes and an approval process for posting them.

Voice and Video confs are great for socializing and brain storming and probably don’t need to be ‘recorded’ in anycase.

Even with a scribe, it could devolve into selective note-taking.

Data vs. Information? I’ll take my information predigested unless the results require peer review. Other than that, I haven’t seen an auto transcript that was readable yet. If someone wants to pipe it to a podcast, that’s fine enough, but I personally would go for the synopsis. It gets rid of a lot of “uuuummm” and “Like”.

-Seriously, would you want to have to read past a transcript of one of my insane ramblings?

I have found that an “approve/amend the minutes” process does a pretty fine job of producing journalism vs. selectivism.

Transparency doesn’t mean cyberhoarding, but I understand COMPLETELY if, at least at first, someone wants to put the public process into non-reproachable standing by going Full Monty to the public. There are exposed nerves around here.

Our end goal here is to be wholely open and transparent. Everything is open unless it has a security risk. I’m not sure what your gripe with OpenEMR was, but mine (with OpenMRS) was the lack of transparency and accountability and the fact that a large part of the leadership team was closed.