What progress have you made this week?
- I started working on the authentication section of the application.
- I became familiar with working with DHIS2 APIs.
- I added functionality to fetch attributes from the DHIS2 server.
- I had a brief discussion with @DoniaEsawi about the scope of the project we will be working on.
What do I plan to do next week?
- I plan to finalize the entire summer plan with the mentors.
- I will implement the BLOC architecture to retrieve tracked baby data from the DHIS2 backend for proper state management of the application.
- I will create the necessary tracked attributes and entities in the DHIS2 backend.
Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?
- As the first meeting with the mentors has not yet taken place, the summer coding plan has not been finalized and approved by the mentors.