Google Code-in 2018 is ON!

The TL;DR:

Organization applications open on September 6, 2018 at 09:00 (Pacific Daylight Time)

The contest begins for students on October 23, 2018 at 09:00 (Pacific Daylight Time)!

What I need from the community as far as mentors go is:

  • An additional org admin that is NOT hands-off – you need to be willing to switch off with me so I don’t burn out. This is too much for one admin to do.

  • A good handful of mentors from various time zones

The only way this can happen is if we have at least 2 active Organization Admins and enough mentors for 24/7 coverage.

There are changes this year:

  • Orgs will evaluate the 20 students completing the most tasks with their org when deciding on finalists and winners

  • Orgs will choose 6 finalists (instead of 5)

  • We have renamed the User Interface category to Design

  • Students will have to wait until Google reviews their Parental Consent form before they can claim their first task. This will slow things down but it is a requirement to be able to continue the program.

  • No tasks asking for personal information about students will be allowed (this includes tasks asking for students to introduce themselves with info like what country they are from, or photos of the students, etc.).

Please register your interest in the following poll:

  • Yes, I will be Org Admin (this is a lot of work – you are also a mentor in this context)
  • Yes, I want to be a Mentor
  • No, not this year

0 voters


@gci2017winners, @gsoc2017students, @gsoc2018students, @lsc

Looking forward to participating!

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I am looking forward to you dominating this year (if we participate)! Good luck!

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bumping this:

I do not see enough interest and applications open in 3 days.

@gsoc2017students, @gsoc2018students, @lsc

Another option rather than do it ourselves is do it under DIAL as an umbrella organization…that’s also an option as I believe @downey offered privately while discussing this.

If librehealth participates in gci18 i would be glad to work with librehealth again :slight_smile:

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@r0bby i guess many aren’t on yet they will get to this definitely :slightly_smiling_face:

Without a dedicated team of mentors and at least another org admin that’s willing to be hands-on – we can’t do it.

I’m very excited to work with LibreHealth, again!!!

I am going to start an application but as far as us getting accepted – I need project leads or somebody who knows the needs of each project to be able to step in and help draft tasks.

The process for this will be outlined later using lessons learned from last year. This discussion will move to the Mentors category for obvious reasons.

Let me know when and how…

Thanks Toni!

I’m trying to ensure we have adequate coverage. I’m hoping to have AT LEAST 10 mentors (excluding me) if not more. I’ll be managing things and arbitrating if students cheat – I take plagiarism seriously in this contest.

As an editor at Medium for freeCodeCamp, I definitely take plagiarism seriously - whether related to coding or articles. While we may borrow from other awesome concepts - we must attribute and give thanks for help in the right direction. Without our mentors and coding heroes, it seems we don’t stand a chance. Acknowledging each of them is easy as a way to say “Thank You”.

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@r0bby can you please expatiate on what you meant by project leads and needs of each project if we might be of help

Project Leads: @tony for EHR, @sunbiz for Toolkit and @judywawira for Radiology. They set the roadmap for the projects with input from the core devs. They need to be onboard and be willing to review work submitted by students. – or empower somebody else to do so.

I m interested in participating :raising_hand_woman:


Hello @Adele_Nguedia show your interest by voting in the first post.

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In order to mentor with us – or any organization – you should have at least done basic work with us. We also need to know that you are reliable. We rely on you so that we don’t get burned out.

If this is your first contact with us, I am sorry but we cannot accept you.

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A post was split to a new topic: We are IN Google Code-in 2018 as part of the DIAL OSC