GCI Task brainstorming

I’m currently importing the tasks – and one thing I notice missing is how students should submit their work – that’s the most important part, let’s not forgot that in the future.

isn’t that supposed to be on the gci website?

Didn’t think you were gonna add those anymore. Thought they didn’t make sense. I’ll get the links.

No, The GCI website will simply link to the GitLab issue. There’s no uniform way to do this since we’re an umbrella organization.

Only one of them made no sense. The others were fine. The one where you asked students to find and report an ‘unreported’ bug which you went into detail describing. THAT was useless. There are probably plenty of bugs – enough that you don’t have to generate busywork. No human-being writes perfect bug-free code.

I updated the task template. Task submssion instructions are NOT on the GCI website. Everything will reside in GitLab issues.

The reason for doing it the way I am is that I can enforce basic style rules around how tasks are written.

When writing tasks, feel free to use markdown to link to and emphasize things.

Still your point of view.

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Sorry for the strong stance, but you stated it was unreported…that’s not what unreported means. Unreported means unknown. You basically gave reproduction steps. That is a reported bug that you know about, that just hasn’t been documented. Besides, we have an Report X number of bugs that spans across all projects.

Report bug with radiology report date filter. (I)

There is an unreported bug on the radiology module you can easily reproduce on the demo. When you click on the Radiology link on the home page, it takes you to the radiology dashboard. When you click on the reports tab, you’ll see an empty table. But there are actually reports present in the system. To see these reports, clear the two date filters and hit enter and your reports will start showing. If you have already done this before visiting the reports section may already have the date filters clear hence you won’t notice the bug. Try clearing your cache or using another browser or new incognito window.

I recommend you read this document about writing good bug reports https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html. Your knowledge of the content will be tested when reviewing the bug report you come up with

What you are asking them to do is actually verify an existing bug, why not have them fix it? THAT would be immensely useful and give some useful code. You don’t need to withhold reporting and documenting bugs for fear of running out of bugs.

All tasks from etherpad have been transferred to gitlab.

There is a label for each project:

Only ones missing are @pri2si17’s tasks – I’ll import those either Sunday night or Monday.

Also, I have unlisted this topic, as I do not want our task list to become public before the program begins. Some students may have seen the list, but I’m trying to mitigate for others.

Let’s think of some harder tasks that will help us differentiate the rock stars from the crowd. We can add tasks any point during the program, so keep your thinking caps on. I don’t want students burning through all of our tasks.

@judywawira, @ivange94:

I closed the task by @ivange94, as we have tasks from last year already for setting up Radiology on Linux, Windows, and Mac OSX.

I am going through our tasks from last year and doing dedupe. You will need to be logged as in as I set the project to private as to not leak our task list.

Folks, remember you need to provide submission instructions. Literally nobody did this.

Uh, aside from literally stating : Submit to Issue on repo [link] ?

-ANYWAY, If someone needs more “search for” kinds of tasks, and wants them to still be things that are NOT CANDY WRAPPED tasks that require some thought and dedication to figure out how to do, report, or submit, then I suggest simple searches for deprecated functions in the code base…like

That is exactly what I want. See the sample task on the wiki for what I want. Also, the existing tasks all have instructions.

Feel free to add those :slight_smile:

https://gitlab.com/librehealth/gci/issues/26 – This task is covered by others, I mentioned it on the mentor’s chat.

I closed it, are these tasks still valuable? That one task had overlap with the ones like it.