LibreHealth EHR: Porting to Laravel (8)

This is amazing work!

@lsc – you folks should definitely see this amazing work!

I agree with @r0bby … this is amazing @muarachmann maybe we can call for student volunteers too to assist … I know @pri2si17 has moved on to other things but I would like this change made

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Great job @muarachmann I am glad you are taking it this direction.

Thanks for the heads up.


Hello @muarachmann this is great work, I couldn’t find the Repo fo this, I would love to collaborate with you on this

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Hi, was wrapping up some stuffs, the repo is private, will make it public soon, was writing some detailed installation guides and other stuffs. @prondubuisi sure you are welcome to chime in when ever. Just give me time to publish this. I will let it known. Should be by Thursday or Friday

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That works @muarachmann, take all the time you need!

Hi @muarachmann this is a great work. Thanks for making it possible and extending my work (it was 2 years old, so I know you have to do a lot of work to get it working). Please let me know if any help is needed. The UI is amazing and now I get a feel that new contribution will attract EHR as it would be more accessible using APIs. Thanks again !! :slight_smile:


Hi everyone,

The codebase has been made public and can be found here - @prondubuisi, @pri2si17 heads up

Again your feedback and contributions are highly awaited. Also rooms for improvements is allowed. However this is the boilerplate and subsequent code will be written thereoff. The use of Modules - e…g ReportGenerator I included will be used for more modularity and can be coded as entirely different modules or components for pull and plug or activated when needed.

Your contributions are highly awaited to make this a success. Also feel free to invite students around or any other person willing to dig this and release a stable version soon.

Thanks Mua


Thanks Chief. Checking it out!

Don’t forget to star it out :slight_smile:

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First thing I did. Will be discussing with some friends about the project later on!

Today, I began writing a custom installation script and consequently a middleware will be written for this which will run the commands during setup. like migrations and taking care of creating an admin perharps.

Server Requirements Step.

should there be any other steps needed here, feel free to ping and add

@muarachmann I was thinking what if we dockerize this whole project? It would be easy to setup then. Please let me know if you have other thoughts.

I’d actually like to help with that…unless you folks want to do it…in which case I will step out of the way

Sure it can always be included… maybe you might want to ping @r0bby for that, I am not a docker expert, just know the very basics and have setup a few use cases too but its cool. Aside that, I made the readme explicit and it should be easy to follow along as well.

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More updates on this

  • Calendar view revamped and almost done
  • Patient Details view
  • Facilities preview/details

Will be working this week on creating/adding users/facilities/patients to the system.

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@tony, @htuck, @aethelwulffe I am trying to understand the history_data table and schema… I noticed pipes | are being used to separate the property:value for example, I see this in risk factors vv|db|sc|fib|str|hep|gb|ast|ep|cl|coc which tells me what is active or needs to be check. How ever I see this also in exams brs:1:|cec:0:|ecg:0:iohsdoed/eprwe|gyn:0:|mam:2:asdasdasd/sadasd|phy:0:|pro:0:|rec:1:|sic:0:|ret:0:|flu:0:|pne:1:|ldl:0:|hem:1:|psa:0: which i do understand too.

My question arises from the other columns like dc_father, dc_mother which never gets filled or maybe in some other place which I haven’t yet figured out. Also I will like to understand the |currentcoffee|1970-01-01 in the Lifestyle tab and what it means. The codes that appears when you toggle the dropdown.

  • Also the patient histories create each a new entry, is this the expected behavior and where do I get to see all the history as I only get to see the recent (sorted by date limit 1)

PS: I am willing to use json columns for this to be more flexible and elegant.

$table->json('risk_factors')->nullable() values will then go as

[{vv: 0}, {db: 1}, {sc: 1}, {fib: 0}]

This permits me to loop through and know which is active or not. Looking forward to hearing from you.


This is a very complex topic (as you may have noticed). It all has to do with the way date stamped (Immutable) medical activities are tracked for the purposes of Meaningful use quality reporting. Frankly speaking it’s all meaningless in LibreHealth EMR, it was designed for OpenEMR (by Brady) when we certified. Since LHEMR is not certified and will not likely ever be then it’s a table that is not used and a bunch of hooks that don’t really need to be there anymore.

The report that they drive have been replace by the Center for Medicare Services (USA) with different methods for doing that kind of thing anyway.

Hope that helps.

I am so glad your are still active and doing well.



Thanks, I will drop what I can and move ahead keeping the same functionality.