Google Summer of Code 2021 Weekly Feedback

We are going to try something new that we introduced in 2020. This is in addition to your blog post. The goal is to catch if you are behind in your timeline early.


Answer the following questions in a once-weekly post on Fridays:

  • What progress have you made this week?
  • What do I plan to do next week?
  • Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

The point of these is to catch any issues you are having and to handle them early.

Any questions can be directed towards @judywawira, @sunbiz, or myself.

Please note: The only posts on this topic should be the progress reports. No need to respond to posts, if there is an issue, use the project topics.

  • What progress have you made this week?
  1. Initialised the react-ehr repository with CI/CD.
  2. Developed the react-ehr to implement complete checkin workflow
  3. Developed a general purpose search component which could be used for any fhir resource
  • What do I plan to do next week?
  1. According to the proposal, the next two weeks are planned for the appointment workflow. In the coming week I will create the fhir components for the resources required for this workflow and the following week develop the workflow in the react application.
  2. Make improvements to the react application.
  • Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?
  1. adding style to lit-components from outside, problem due to style encapsulation (not impeding the project but an issue)

What progress have you made this week?

  • Developed UI of Register Baby Screen
  • Created Sliders for weight, temperature etc.
  • Created Model Class for storing Baby’s Information
  • Created Bloc for register baby screen
  • Created App Drawer with items ( Doctor’s Schedule, Messaging, Share App, Report Bug)

What do I plan to do next week?

  • Developing Assessments Screen UI for all stages
  • Using Sliver App Bar for floating app bars
  • Adding Dark Mode in App

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not a blocker but I have few queries regarding On Call doctor’s program, I will discuss it with mentors & resolve this.


What progress have you made this week-

In the first week of the coding period, I have done the following thing with the cost of care flutter application.

1-upgraded project to futter latest version 2.2.1.

2- dart migrate to null safety.

3-Updated all dependencies that are used in the project to their latest version.

4-Replaced Deprecated Widget.

5-some of the methods were deprecated I updated them too.

My plan for next week-

1-I will implement a bookmark feature to the chargemaster.

2-UI modification of download CDM screen.

Blocker -

Not yet


What progress have you made this week?

  1. Completed initial Neural Network Model
  2. Determined the model accuracy and other metrics
  3. Developed a transfer learning pipeline
  4. Developed a basic WebXR application for VR

What do I plan to do next week?

  1. Link TensorflowJS with local model
  2. Complete the WebXR application
  3. Develop a segmentation model

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not yet


Works Done in the First Week

  1. Merged the upstream changes that have more than 6K unmerged commits.
  2. Modified the final merged code to have features and look like the mHBS app.
  3. Set up CI/CD to automatically build the apk and check for errors.
  4. Fixed Some of the build errors.

Work to be done in the next week

  1. Solved the build errors of the mHBS Tracker app.
  • There are mainly two problems for the mHBS app : Fix error ‘ > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/annotation/Generated ‘ in gradle build when building with jdk 9+
  • Fix Error in gradle build — string too large to encode using UTF-8 written instead as ‘STRING_TOO_LARGE’
  1. Start working on the mHBS Trainer app for the media section.
  2. Check for the complete smooth working of mHBS app and Improvements.

Hurdles till now STRING_TOO_LARGE issue that I had mentioned to solve in starting days of this week is causing some problem. I am discussing it’s possible solutions with the mentor and will resolve it. Other than that everything thing is fine and it will also be resolved.

For detailed information of the work done in first week please check my blog from First Week of Coding : 7June -11 June

What progress have you made this week-

1-Added New bookmark feature

2-add to Bookmark chargemaster.

3-remove to bookmark chargemaster.

4-chargemaster UI modification.

5- added snacbar while adding or removing form bookmark.

My plan for next week-

1-I will implement unit tests for inpatient procedures.

2-I will implement unit tests for Outpatient procedures.

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impending your project

No, not any blocker yet.


What progress have you made this week?

  • Completed authentication/login functionality
  • Used Sliver App bar for floating app bars
  • Created config files for storing API, DHIS2 Id’s
  • Developed UI of all three Assessments
  • Added support for dark mode

What do I plan to do next week?

  • Register Baby screen functionality (using DHIS2 API)
  • Implementing User Profile Screen functionality (using DHIS2 API)
  • Making the above features work also when user is offline and sending data when user is online next time

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not yet

  • What progress have you made this week?
  1. Made a few fixes for checkin workflow in webcomponent repo.
  2. Created the datatype component for reference, codeable-concept.
  3. Created components for schedule and slot resource.
  4. Read the documentation of lit project.
  • What do I plan to do next week?
  1. Develop the Appointment workflow in the react app using the created components (will create the single left component for a resource in a day) .
  • Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?
  1. NO
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What progress have you made this week?

  • Trained a better performing model for the testing data set

  • TensorflowJS model loading and inference Pipeline

  • Basic WebXR pipeline setup complete

What do I plan to do next week?

  • Improve the Model performance

  • Complete the WebXR interface

  • Complete Segmentation Model training

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not yet

1 Like

Works Done in this Week

  1. Find out the cause of the STRING_TOO_LARGE issue.
  2. Find out the cause of incompatibility of dhis2 with JDK higher than 8.
  3. Populated bmgfdev instance with dummy data of videos.
  4. Made a UI to show all the Videos media files in the trainer app.
  5. Fetched Videos in the media tab from bmgfdev instance.

Work to be done in the next week

  1. Fixing the issue of API Calls done from the browser over the bmgfdev instance.
  2. Making a feature in the trainer app to show PDF resources that are uploaded on the bmgfdev instance.
  3. Finding more features that can be added to the video of the media tab.


Not yet.


What progress have you made this week-

In the 3rd week of the coding period, I have done the following task with the cost of care flutter application.

1- Implement Unit testing for inpatient procedure.

2-Implemented Unit test for outpatient procedure.

My plan for next week-

1-I will add a search bar to compare hospital screen.

2-UI modification.


No Blockers

  • What progress have you made this week?
  1. Developed the complete Appointment workflow in the react app using the components created last week.
  2. Made a few test fixes in the component repo.
  • What do I plan to do next week?
  1. Create / Modify components for the visit workflow.
  2. Make changes to the react-ehr if required.
  3. Will start working on these from today itself as this week’s task is almost done.
  • Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?
  1. No Blockers
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What progress have you made this week?

  • Internationalized Flutter app by adding support for other languages
  • Added metadata of ECEB & on call doctors programs
  • Unit testing for authentication screen
  • Register Baby screen functionality (using DHIS2 API)

What do I plan to do next week?

  • Implementing User Profile Screen functionality
  • Baby Health Assessments Capture Functionality
  • Fetching List Of Babies screen in App using API

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not yet

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What progress have you made this week?

  • Designed a POC model
  • Corrected errors in Tensorflow converted model
  • Completed UNet design

What do I plan to do next week?

  • Improve the Model performance
  • Improvise the VR Environment
  • Start Model Training

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not yet

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Work Done this Week

  1. Added a feature to play all type of media files in the app.
  • The list of all documents uploaded on the bmgfdev instance ( here ) is visible in the app.
  • Videos Media & Pdf files both can be opened and can be accessed through the app.
  1. Added SQLite database to store data locally and to provide offline support.

Planning of next Week

  1. Finish pending work of Offline support and create PR for that.
  2. Adding CI to Trainer App: Continuous integration through Gitlab CI (#112)
  3. Testing of some issues —

Important Links

  1. Added mediaPage and Populated with real data Fetched from bmgfdev instance and Added support to play all media files of type blob (!194)
  2. Issue #190
  3. Issue #77
  4. Issue #39
  5. Added SQL Database for storing data locally (26ad4006) · Commits · Bhavesh Sharma / mHBS-trainer · GitLab

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not yet

What progress have you made this week-

1- Added Search bar to compare hospital screen.

2-Compare Hospital Screen UI modified.

Plan for next week-

1-I will add the Search by address feature to the download CDM screen.

2-I will add a new address field in the download CDM list.

3- I will discuss UI regarding the new address field with mentors.


not yet

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What progress have you made this week?

  • Implemented User Profile Screen functionality
  • Implemented fetching list of babies from dhis2 & displaying in screen
  • Cache the data after fetching from dhis2
  • localized strings in assessments phase
  • Phase 1 assessments capturing functionality

What do I plan to do next week?

  • Phase - 2, 3, 4 assessments capturing functionality
  • Adding Search, Sort Functionality in List Of Babies screen
  • Adding sort functionality , settings UI, activity logs in profile screen
  • Update functionality in profile screen

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not yet, but I am slightly behind the scheduled task of this week, but I will complete it by this weekend.


Works Done in the Fourth Week

  1. Set up CI/CD to automatically build the apk and check for errors.
  2. Added full offline support for the media page for both media files and a list of documents.
  3. Added file synced based UI for each media file.
  4. Tested 3 Issues.

Important Links

  1. Merge Request: Having code related to full offline support & SQL implementation of media page.
  2. Solved Issue: #69 #112
  3. Gitlab Pipeline : #329574660 #327895681
  4. Tested Issues : #36 #44 #10

Work to be done in the next week

  1. Working on Issue #36
  • Shifting all app usage data from local storage to dhis2
  1. Working on Issue #44
  • Restricting the access of other users for viewing tracked entities
  1. Working on Issue #10
  • create a new program stage in dhis2

Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?

Not yet

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  • What progress have you made this week?
  1. created datatype component for quantity.
  2. created all the components required for visit workflow.
  3. created single components for resources which had multiple associated components.
  • What do I plan to do next week?
  1. implement visit workflow in the react app.
  2. Except one all of the components planned to be added in the whole GSoC period are created hence before the existing MR’s are merged, the remaining component can be created, to shift total focus on the react app.
  • Have you had any blockers or issues that are impeding your project?
  1. no
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